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invalid out

  • 1 invalid out

    v + o + adv (BrE) dar* de baja ( por invalidez)
    VT + ADV

    to invalid sb out of the army(esp Brit) (Mil) licenciar a algn por invalidez

    * * *
    v + o + adv (BrE) dar* de baja ( por invalidez)

    English-spanish dictionary > invalid out

  • 2 invalid out

    English-german dictionary > invalid out

  • 3 invalid out

    v. çürüğe çıkarmak

    English-Turkish dictionary > invalid out

  • 4 invalid out

    v. çürüğe çıkarmak

    English-Turkish dictionary > invalid out

  • 5 invalid out

    vt + adv
    Mil congedare per invalidità

    English-Italian dictionary > invalid out

  • 6 invalid out

    adj (ser) llicenciat per invalidesa (de)

    English-Catalan dictionary > invalid out

  • 7 invalid out

    dar de baja por invalidez.

    Nuevo Diccionario Inglés-Español > invalid out

  • 8 invalid out of the army

    Общая лексика: комиссовать

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > invalid out of the army

  • 9 to invalid out

    1 SMALLMILITARY/SMALL licenciar por invalidez

    English-spanish dictionary > to invalid out

  • 10 invalid

    I in'vælid adjective
    ((of a document or agreement etc) having no legal force; not valid: Your passport is out of date and therefore invalid.) nulo
    - invalidity
    1. 'invəlid noun
    (a person who is ill or disabled: During his last few years, he was a permanent invalid.) inválido, disminuido

    2. -li:d verb
    1) ((with out) to remove (especially a soldier) from service, because of illness: He was invalided out of the army.) licenciar por invalidez
    2) (to cause (especially a soldier) to be disabled: He was invalided in the last war.) volverse inválido
    invalid n inválido / minusválido
    1 (disabled person) inválido,-a, minusválido,-a; (sick person) enfermo,-a
    1 (disabled) inválido,-a, minusválido,-a; (sick) enfermo,-a
    invalid chair silla de ruedas
    1 (gen) inválido,-a, no válido,-a, nulo,-a; (out of date) caducado,-a
    invalid [ɪn'væləd] adj
    : inválido, nulo
    invalid ['ɪnvələd] adj
    : inválido, discapacitado
    invalid ['ɪnvələd] n
    : inválido m, -da f
    inválido, -a adj.
    no válido adj.
    nulo, -a adj.
    enfermo s.m.
    inválido s.m.
    incapacitar v.

    I ɪn'væləd, ɪn'vælɪd
    adjective <assumption/conclusion> inválido; <contract/will> inválido, no válido

    invalid in law — sin validez legal, sin valor ante la ley

    II 'ɪnvəlɪd, 'ɪnvəliːd, 'ɪnvəlɪd
    noun inválido, -da m,f; (before n) <diet, food> para enfermos

    invalid carcoche m para minusválido

    Phrasal Verbs:

    I ['ɪnvǝlɪd]
    N inválido(-a) m / f, minusválido(-a) m / f
    ADJ inválido, minusválido

    invalid car, invalid carriage Ncoche m de minusválido, coche m de inválido

    invalid chair N(Brit) silla m para minusválidos

    ADJ [contract] inválido, nulo; [ticket, request] inválido; [theory, results, conclusions] sin validez
    * * *

    I [ɪn'væləd, ɪn'vælɪd]
    adjective <assumption/conclusion> inválido; <contract/will> inválido, no válido

    invalid in law — sin validez legal, sin valor ante la ley

    II ['ɪnvəlɪd, 'ɪnvəliːd, 'ɪnvəlɪd]
    noun inválido, -da m,f; (before n) <diet, food> para enfermos

    invalid carcoche m para minusválido

    Phrasal Verbs:

    English-spanish dictionary > invalid

  • 11 invalid

    I 1. noun
    (Brit.) Kranke, der/die; (disabled person) Körperbehinderte, der/die; (from war injuries) Kriegsinvalide der/-invalidin, die
    2. adjective
    (Brit.) körperbehindert
    3. transitive verb

    invalid home or out — als dienstuntauglich entlassen

    II adjective
    nicht schlüssig [Argument, Behauptung, Folgerung, Theorie]; nicht zulässig [Annahme]; ungerechtfertigt [Forderung, Vorwurf]; ungültig [Fahrkarte, Garantie, Vertrag, Testament, Ehe]
    * * *
    I [in'vælid] adjective
    ((of a document or agreement etc) having no legal force; not valid: Your passport is out of date and therefore invalid.) ungültig
    - academic.ru/39097/invalidate">invalidate
    - invalidity II 1. ['invəlid] noun
    (a person who is ill or disabled: During his last few years, he was a permanent invalid.) der Invalide
    2. [-li:d] verb
    1) ((with out) to remove (especially a soldier) from service, because of illness: He was invalided out of the army.) wegen Invalidität als dienstuntauglich erklären
    2) (to cause (especially a soldier) to be disabled: He was invalided in the last war.) zum Invaliden machen
    * * *
    I. n (requiring long-term care) Invalide(r) f(m)
    to treat sb like an \invalid jdn wie einen Schwerbehinderten behandeln
    II. adj invalide, körperbehindert
    \invalid chair Rollstuhl m
    sb's \invalid mother jds gebrechliche Mutter
    III. vt
    1. (injure)
    to \invalid sb jdn zum Invaliden machen
    to be \invalided out of the army wegen Dienstuntauglichkeit aus dem Militärdienst entlassen werden
    adj inv (not legally binding) ungültig, unwirksam; COMPUT ungültig
    legally \invalid rechtsunwirksam; (unsound) nicht stichhaltig [o triftig]; theory nicht begründet
    technically \invalid technisch nicht zulässig
    * * *
    I ['Invəlɪd]
    1. adj
    1) krank; (= disabled) invalide, körperbehindert
    2) (= for invalids) Kranken-, Invaliden-
    2. n
    Kranke(r) mf; (= disabled person) Invalide m, Invalidin f, Körperbehinderte(r) mf

    he's been an invalid all his lifeer hat sein ganzes Leben lang ein körperliches Leiden gehabt

    II [In'vlɪd]
    adj (ESP JUR, COMPUT)
    ungültig; deduction, argument nicht schlüssig or stichhaltig; assumption nicht zulässig

    it makes the argument invalides entkräftet das Argument

    * * *
    invalid1 [ˈınvəlıd]
    A adj
    1. a) kränklich, krank, gebrechlich
    b) invalid(e), arbeits-, dienst-, erwerbsunfähig
    c) kriegsbeschädigt
    2. Kranken…:
    invalid carriage motorisierter Rollstuhl;
    invalid chair Rollstuhl m, Kranken(fahr)stuhl m;
    invalid diet Krankenkost f
    B s
    a) Kranke(r) m/f(m), Gebrechliche(r) m/f(m)
    b) Invalide m, Invalidin f, Arbeits-, Dienst-, Erwerbsunfähige(r) m/f(m)
    c) Pflegefall m
    C v/t [ˈınvəliːd; US -lıd]
    1. zum Invaliden machen
    2. besonders MIL
    a) dienstuntauglich erklären
    b) meist invalid out als dienstuntauglich entlassen:
    be invalided out of the army als Invalide aus dem Heer entlassen werden
    invalid2 [ınˈvælıd] adj (adv invalidly)
    1. JUR (rechts)ungültig, unwirksam, (null und) nichtig
    2. a) nicht stichhaltig oder triftig (Beweis etc)
    b) unbegründet, unberechtigt (Anspruch etc)
    * * *
    I 1. noun
    (Brit.) Kranke, der/die; (disabled person) Körperbehinderte, der/die; (from war injuries) Kriegsinvalide der/-invalidin, die
    2. adjective
    (Brit.) körperbehindert
    3. transitive verb

    invalid home or out — als dienstuntauglich entlassen

    II adjective
    nicht schlüssig [Argument, Behauptung, Folgerung, Theorie]; nicht zulässig [Annahme]; ungerechtfertigt [Forderung, Vorwurf]; ungültig [Fahrkarte, Garantie, Vertrag, Testament, Ehe]
    * * *
    falsch adj.
    gebrechlich adj.
    hinfällig adj.
    kränklich adj.
    ungültig adj. n.
    Gebrechliche m.,f.
    Invalide -n m.,f.
    Kranke -n m.,f.
    Pflegefall m. v.
    zum Invaliden machen ausdr.

    English-german dictionary > invalid

  • 12 invalid

    I 1. ['ɪnvəliːd, 'ɪnvəlɪd]
    nome invalido m. (-a), disabile m. e f.
    modificatore [parent, relative] invalido, disabile
    II ['ɪnvəliːd, 'ɪnvəlɪd]

    to invalid out of the armyBE riformare per motivi di salute, dichiarare inabile

    III [ɪn'vælɪd]
    1) [ argument] che non regge; [ claim] infondato
    2) amm. dir. [ contract] invalido, nullo; [ marriage] nullo; [ claim] privo di fondatezza; [ passport] non valido
    * * *
    I [in'vælid] adjective
    ((of a document or agreement etc) having no legal force; not valid: Your passport is out of date and therefore invalid.)
    - invalidity II 1. ['invəlid] noun
    (a person who is ill or disabled: During his last few years, he was a permanent invalid.)
    2. [-li:d] verb
    1) ((with out) to remove (especially a soldier) from service, because of illness: He was invalided out of the army.)
    2) (to cause (especially a soldier) to be disabled: He was invalided in the last war.)
    * * *
    invalid (1) /ˈɪnvəlɪd/
    infermo, inferma; invalido, invalida: He lives with an invalid mother, vive con la madre inferma; an invalid chair, una sedia a rotelle
    FALSI AMICI: invalid non significa invalido nel senso di inabile al lavoro. invalid (2) /ɪnˈvælɪd/
    ( anche leg.) invalido; ( anche comput.) non valido; nullo: an invalid will, un testamento nullo
    to declare invalid, dichiarare nullo; annullare: to declare a marriage invalid, annullare un matrimonio.
    (to) invalid /ˈɪnvəlɪd/
    A v. t.
    1 rendere invalido (o infermo); inabilitare
    2 (mil.) dichiarare inabile; riformare: My father was invalided home, mio padre è stato rimandato in patria come invalido
    B v. i.
    to invalid sb. out of the army, congedare q. per invalidità.
    * * *
    I 1. ['ɪnvəliːd, 'ɪnvəlɪd]
    nome invalido m. (-a), disabile m. e f.
    modificatore [parent, relative] invalido, disabile
    II ['ɪnvəliːd, 'ɪnvəlɪd]

    to invalid out of the armyBE riformare per motivi di salute, dichiarare inabile

    III [ɪn'vælɪd]
    1) [ argument] che non regge; [ claim] infondato
    2) amm. dir. [ contract] invalido, nullo; [ marriage] nullo; [ claim] privo di fondatezza; [ passport] non valido

    English-Italian dictionary > invalid

  • 13 invalid

    1 noun
    ['ɪnvəlɪd] (disabled person) infirme mf, invalide mf; (ill person) malade mf;
    I'm not an invalid! je ne suis pas infirme!
    ['ɪnvəlɪd] (disabled) infirme, invalide; (ill) malade;
    he has to look after his invalid mother il doit s'occuper de sa mère infirme
    3 transitive verb ['ɪnvəli:d]
    (a) (disable) rendre infirme
    he was invalided home il a été rapatrié pour raisons médicales
    ►► British invalid car, invalid carriage voiture f d'infirme;
    invalid chair fauteuil m roulant
    to invalid sb out of the army réformer qn pour raisons médicales
    invalid2 [ɪn'vælɪd]
    (a) (passport, ticket) non valide, non valable;
    your passport will soon be invalid votre passeport sera bientôt périmé
    (b) (law, marriage, election) nul
    (c) (argument) non valable;
    your reasoning is invalid votre raisonnement n'est pas valable ou ne tient pas
    (d) Computing invalide
    ►► Computing invalid file name nom m de fichier invalide

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > invalid

  • 14 invalid in·va·lid

    I ['ɪnvəlɪd]
    1. n
    (sick person) infermo (-a), (disabled person) invalido (-a)
    2. adj
    (see n), infermo (-a), invalido (-a)
    II [ɪn'vælɪd] adj
    (document, cheque) invalido (-a), non valido (-a), (excuse, argument) non valido (-a), (marriage) nullo (-a)

    English-Italian dictionary > invalid in·va·lid

  • 15 invalid

    I. 1. неработоспособен, нетрудоспособен, болен, болнав, нездрав, недъгав
    2. предназначен за болни (за диета), диетичен (за храна)
    INVALID chair стол на колела (за инвалида)
    II. n болен, болник, инвалид, недъгав човек
    III. 1. правя/ставам инвалид
    INVALIDed for life осaкатен за цял живот
    2. освобождавам (се) от военна служба по инвалидност/като инвалид
    to be INVALIDed out of the army напускам/уволнен съм от войската като инвалид
    IV. 1. юр. недействителен, невалиден, нищожен, лишен от законна сила
    2. необоснован (за довод и пр.)
    * * *
    {'invalid} I. а 1. неработоспособен, нетрудоспособен; болен, (2) {'invъli:d} v 1. правя/ставам инвалид; invalided for life осaка{3} {in'valid} a 1. юр. недействителен, невалиден; нищожен; л
    * * *
    болник; невалиден; недействителен; недъгав; неработоспособен; нищожен; нетрудоспособен; нередовен;
    * * *
    1. i. неработоспособен, нетрудоспособен, болен, болнав, нездрав, недъгав 2. ii. n болен, болник, инвалид, недъгав човек 3. iii. правя/ставам инвалид 4. invalid chair стол на колела (за инвалида) 5. invalided for life осaкатен за цял живот 6. iv. юр. недействителен, невалиден, нищожен, лишен от законна сила 7. to be invalided out of the army напускам/уволнен съм от войската като инвалид 8. необоснован (за довод и пр.) 9. освобождавам (се) от военна служба по инвалидност/като инвалид 10. предназначен за болни (за диета), диетичен (за храна)
    * * *
    invalid[´invə¸li:d] I. adj 1. неработоспособен, нетрудоспособен; болен, болнав, нездрав; 2. предназначен за болни; II. n болен, болник; инвалид, недъгав, сакат човек; \invalid care allowance помощ за гледане на инвалид; III. v 1. правя (ставам) инвалид; \invalided for life осакатен за цял живот, осакатен до края на живота си; 2. освобождавам (се) от военна служба по инвалидност (като инвалид). IV.[in´vælid] adj недействителен, невалиден (пред закона), юрид. нищожен, лишен от законна сила; необоснован; FONT face=Times_Deutsch◊ adv invalidly.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > invalid

  • 16 invalid

    invalid [ˊɪnvəli:d]
    1. n больно́й; инвали́д
    2. a
    1) больно́й; нетрудоспосо́бный
    2) предназна́ченный для больны́х;

    an invalid diet дие́та для больно́го


    invalid food диети́ческое пита́ние

    3. v
    1) освобожда́ть(ся) от вое́нной слу́жбы по инвали́дности;

    to be invalided out of the army быть демобилизо́ванным по состоя́нию здоро́вья

    2) де́лать(ся) инвали́дом
    invalid [ɪnˊvælɪd] a
    не име́ющий зако́нной си́лы, недействи́тельный;

    to declare a marriage invalid расто́ргнуть брак

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > invalid

  • 17 invalid

    A n infirme mf ; ( in official terminology) invalide mf ; I'm not an invalid! je ne suis pas infirme!
    B modif [parent, relative] infirme.
    C adj
    1 [argument, claim, conclusion] sans fondement ;
    2 Admin, Jur [contract, will, marriage] nul/nulle ; [statute, judgment] caduc/caduque ; [claim] non valable ; [passport, ticket] périmé.
    D, vtr invalided out of the army GB réformé (pour raisons de santé).

    Big English-French dictionary > invalid

  • 18 invalid

    I in'vælid adjective
    ((of a document or agreement etc) having no legal force; not valid: Your passport is out of date and therefore invalid.) ugyldig
    - invalidity II 1. 'invəlid noun
    (a person who is ill or disabled: During his last few years, he was a permanent invalid.) kronisk syk, ufør, invalid
    2. -li:d verb
    1) ((with out) to remove (especially a soldier) from service, because of illness: He was invalided out of the army.)
    2) (to cause (especially a soldier) to be disabled: He was invalided in the last war.)
    subst. \/ˈɪnvəlɪd\/, \/ˈɪnvəliːd\/
    invalid, ufør, pasient, (kronisk) syk person
    verb \/ˈɪnvəliːd\/, \/ˈɪnvəlɪd\/
    1) gjøre\/bli kronisk syk, gjøre til invalid, invalidisere(s)
    2) (spes. militærvesen) oppføres på sykelisten
    be invalided out\/home ( militærvesen) sendes hjem som syk\/såret, sendes hjem som tjenesteudyktig
    adj. \/ˈɪnvəlɪd\/, \/ˈɪnvəliːd\/
    1) funksjonshemmet, invalid, handikappet
    2) sykelig, syk, svakelig, syke-
    3) ( militærvesen) tjenesteudyktig
    adj. \/ɪnˈvælɪd\/
    ugyldig, som ikke gjelder

    English-Norwegian dictionary > invalid

  • 19 invalid

    I [in'vælid] adjective
    ((of a document or agreement etc) having no legal force; not valid: Your passport is out of date and therefore invalid.) ugyldig
    - invalidity II 1. ['invəlid] noun
    (a person who is ill or disabled: During his last few years, he was a permanent invalid.) invalid
    2. [-li:d] verb
    1) ((with out) to remove (especially a soldier) from service, because of illness: He was invalided out of the army.) hjemsende
    2) (to cause (especially a soldier) to be disabled: He was invalided in the last war.) invalidere
    * * *
    I [in'vælid] adjective
    ((of a document or agreement etc) having no legal force; not valid: Your passport is out of date and therefore invalid.) ugyldig
    - invalidity II 1. ['invəlid] noun
    (a person who is ill or disabled: During his last few years, he was a permanent invalid.) invalid
    2. [-li:d] verb
    1) ((with out) to remove (especially a soldier) from service, because of illness: He was invalided out of the army.) hjemsende
    2) (to cause (especially a soldier) to be disabled: He was invalided in the last war.) invalidere

    English-Danish dictionary > invalid

  • 20 invalid

    I [in'vælid] adjective
    ((of a document or agreement etc) having no legal force; not valid: Your passport is out of date and therefore invalid.) neveljaven
    - invalidity II 1. ['invəlid] noun
    (a person who is ill or disabled: During his last few years, he was a permanent invalid.) invalid
    2. [-li:d] verb
    1) ((with out) to remove (especially a soldier) from service, because of illness: He was invalided out of the army.) odpustiti zaradi invalidnosti
    2) (to cause (especially a soldier) to be disabled: He was invalided in the last war.) pohabiti
    * * *
    I [invaelid]
    adjective ( invalidly adverb)
    neveljaven, ničev
    II [ínvəli:d]
    adjective ( invalidly adverb)
    bolehen, bolan, nebogljen, pohabljen; military nesposoben za vojaško službo;
    III [invəlí:d]
    transitive verb
    onesposobiti, pohabiti; invalidsko upokojiti;
    intransitive verb
    dobiti invalidsko podporo; postati invalid

    English-Slovenian dictionary > invalid

См. также в других словарях:

  • invalid — v. (BE) 1) (d; tr.) to invalid home 2) (d; tr.) to invalid out of (to be invalided out of the army) * * * [ˌɪnvə liːd] (BE) (d;tr.) to invalid home (d;tr.) to invalid out of (to be invalided out of the army) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • invalid — [adj1] worthless; unfounded bad, baseless, fallacious, false, ill founded, illogical, inoperative, irrational, mad, not binding, not working, nugatory, null, null and void*, reasonless, sophistic, unreasonable, unreasoned, unscientific, unsound,… …   New thesaurus

  • Invalid proof — In mathematics, there are a variety of spurious proofs of obvious contradictions. Although the proofs are flawed, the errors, usually by design, are comparatively subtle. These fallacies are normally regarded as mere curiosities, but can be used… …   Wikipedia

  • invalid — 1 adjective 1 a contract, ticket, claim etc that is invalid is not legally or officially acceptable: Without the right date stamped on it, your ticket will be invalid. 2 reasons, opinions etc that are invalid are not based on clear thoughts or… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • invalid — in|val|id1 [ınˈvælıd] adj [Date: 1500 1600; : Latin; Origin: invalidus, from validus; VALID] 1.) a contract, ticket, claim etc that is invalid is not legally or officially acceptable ≠ ↑valid ▪ Without the right date stamped on it, your ticket… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • invalid — I UK [ɪnˈvælɪd] / US adjective 1) not legally effective Your ticket is invalid without the airline s official stamp. The vote has been declared invalid and another election scheduled. 2) not based on facts, evidence, or good judgment 3) computing …   English dictionary

  • invalid — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a person enfeebled or disabled by illness or injury. 2 (attrib.) a of or for invalids (invalid car; invalid diet). b being an invalid (caring for her invalid mother). v. (invalided, invaliding) 1 tr. (often foll. by out etc.)… …   Useful english dictionary

  • invalid — in|va|lid1 [ ın vælıd ] adjective 1. ) not legally effective: Your ticket is invalid without the airline s official stamp. The vote has been declared invalid and another election scheduled. 2. ) not based on facts, evidence, or good judgment 3. ) …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • invalid — I 1. adjective her invalid husband Syn: ill, sick, ailing, infirm, incapacitated, bedridden, frail, sickly, poorly Ant: healthy 2. verb an officer invalided by a chest wound Syn: disable …   Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

  • invalid — 1. Weak; sick. 2. A person partially or completely disabled. [L. in neg. + validus, strong] * * * in·va·lid in və ləd, Brit usu .lēd adj 1) suffering from disease or disability: SICKLY 2) of, relating to, or suited to one that is sick <an… …   Medical dictionary

  • out of date — adjective 1) this design is out of date Syn: old fashioned, outmoded, out of fashion, unfashionable, frumpish, frumpy, outdated, dated, old, passé, behind the times, behindhand, obsolete, antiquated; informal out, old hat, square …   Thesaurus of popular words

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